
Top 10 stories to watch in 2013

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10.) School safety: In the wake of the Newtown, Conn. shootings, the Newport-Mesa Unified School District is in the process of reviewing ways to improve campus safety.

9.) Westside schools. There is hope that the new superintendent is going to work with teachers and parents to boost performance in economically challenged areas.

8.) CdM stadium. The school board and boosters are working toward a $3.8 million fund-raising goal to get a new stadium built.


7.) Newport Beach dock fees. Though the council approved an increase to “market-rates,” we hear the battle isn’t over, and that alternative proposals could still come forward.

6.) Costa Mesa staffing. The City Council rescinded the layoff notices and now plans to work with organized labor, presumably on cost concessions, but some services could still be outsourced, and an employee lawsuit lingers.

5.) Newport Beach outsourcing. The city is considering privatizing a sacred cow — trash pickup.

4.) Bicycle safety. Newport Beach is considering a host of options to improve bicycle safety and reduce rider deaths.

3.) Costa Mesa P.I. Police referred a case involving a private investigator tailing two Costa Mesa councilman — one of whom was called in for DUI, even though he had not been drinking — to the district attorney.

2.) Fire rings. The Newport Beach council approved their removal, but the state asked for more information. The issue has yet to be resolved.

1.) Newport Beach Civic Center. The new, $131-million City Hall and Civic Center, which some have dubbed the “Taj Mahal,” is set to open.
