
Letters to the Editor: Koll Center project would not impact established residential neighborhoods

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I have been looking forward to expressing my support for the Koll Center Residences at a Planning Commission workshop on two separate occasions now. This is a General Plan-compatible project that will generate tens of millions of dollars in fees for the city.

It won’t affect traffic in my neighborhood, Eastbluff, or any of the other established neighborhoods in our town. I understand there was an issue about a quorum, but I’m wondering is something else up? Why is this taking so long to be heard?

Lisa Fogarty


Newport Beach

Prevent the urbanization of Newport Beach

I am writing to add my concern and voice to the growing number of Newport Beach residents who disapprove of the proposed Koll Center development.

I have lived in Newport for over 30 years. We used to be a small beach town with few high rises and lovely quality of life. I realize things must change, but our city needs to grow responsibly with regards to traffic, density and impact on our schools.

I drove daily to downtown L.A. for decades and it was always a relief to come home every night to a breath of fresh air. Let’s work together to keep Newport a place we love!

Janine Allen

Newport Beach

Election placards are now litter

OK, the elections are over. Now how about cleaning up all those election posters and signs that have littered the city of Huntington Beach? The folks who put up those unsightly and annoying signs are way overdue to take them down.

Wayne Rylski

Huntington Beach

Preserve the Affordable Care Act

As a physician and healthcare advocate, I am excited that voters in Reps. Mimi Walters’ and Dana Rohrabacher’s districts showed that healthcare is a critical issue in the election and are ready to hold them accountable for their dismal record on protecting healthcare for their constituents.

According to a June 2017 poll, 65% of Californians support the Affordable Care Act, and healthcare ranks as a top priority for voters. Nearly every major health organization has spoken out against GOP repeal efforts and the harm it will cause to everyday Americans.

Despite this, Walters and Rohrabacher continue to vote out of step with their constituents. Walters and Rohrabacher have voted multiple times to repeal the ACA, which could cause 7.5 million Californians to lose their insurance, resulting in preventable death.

Our elected officials should be fighting for more access, not stripping away what we currently have. Gains made by the ACA have lowered premiums and expanded coverage for millions of Californians, such as seniors, people with preexisting conditions, women and children.

Dr. Bill Honigman


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