
Mailbag - June 23, 2010

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Two thumbs down for Poseidon

Regarding “Plant will help H.B.,” Mailbag, June 10:

Timing is everything, isn’t it? Look at the election results. Abe Lincoln was right: “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”

One simply needs to read the endorsements on candidates and propositions (and they did) and decide who gains the most.


Don MacAllister is one of those who has never seen a bad batch of blacktop.

The tragedy lies in the fact that his facts are all wrong now. Maybe they held true even as late as 2007, but not anymore.

“At no cost to the public” – water subsidies and tax-exempt bonds to the tune of nearly $1 billion look like rate hikes and taxes to me. And about the Green Team award – given by a slick OC magazine that panders to the building industry? Come on, now. Kermit the Frog has more legitimacy.

No Don, none of it holds true anymore. You need to do your own writing from now on and dig a little deeper than their PR person.

Merle Moshiri

Huntington Beach

Editor’s note: Moshiri is the president of Residents for Responsible Desalination.

Will Surf City get a sip of that water?

After reading “Plant will help H.B.” (Mailbag, June 10) I’m left wondering how?

Huntington Beach will get none of the water, except in an emergency. The water is going to be piped down our streets to Costa Mesa, where it will be sold. Where is Huntington Beach’s gain here?

With the once-through-cooling method used at the AES plant, Poseidon will intake 100 million gallons of water per day, 365 days a year and return 50 million gallons per day of twice-salty effluent to the ocean off our coast.

What does Huntington Beach gain with this pollution of the ocean?

Eileen Murphy

Huntington Beach

This Mike is the man

I’ve taught in the Ocean View School District for 36 years. During this time, I’ve been fortunate to have Mike Sciacca write a few articles about my students at Mesa View and Marine View middle schools.

He always has been accessible and willing to work with us. He has made quite a few kids beam with pride after reading his stories. Mike’s polite demeanor always made the students feel at ease.

I’m retiring this year. I certainly hope Mike continues being a part of the local sports scene in Huntington Beach. He has an uncanny ability to make the interview seem like a conversation with a close friend. The quotes were always correct and the articles positive. He has been a pleasure to know as a reporter and a person. I hope I see him walking his dogs in Central Park so we can talk about the good ol’ days.

Kelly Painter

Fountain Valley

Shuttle will help make H.B. soar

Regarding “City kicks off shuttle service Saturday,” May 20:

I think the weekend shuttle is a great idea to reduce congestion downtown.

I would suggest that the shuttle would also be beneficial on Tuesday nights, when Main Street is closed off and it is very difficult to find a place to park.

Cindy Cole

Huntington Beach
