
Mailbag: Open space needs to stay preserved

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As a couple of 77-year-old Huntington Beach residents, we are and have been strongly opposed to the construction of a new senior center in Huntington Central Park (“City: Park project has green light,” Dec. 16).

On the occasions that we have visited the current center, we have never found it crowded. Although old, it seems pretty adequate to us. However, if in fact a larger facility is required, why not use one of the schools that has been or will be closed?

It is our view that there will probably never be a way to add to the open space now available in the city, and accordingly, all of the space in the current parks should be kept as it is or planted with grass and trees.


Ian Campbell and Harriett Eichmeyer

Huntington Beach


Center already in perfect spot

I do not agree with the headlines in the paper saying the senior center has a “green light to proceed” (“City: Park project has green light,” Dec. 16).

The project has to have an EIR, which will have to consider alternative options. The best option is for the site on 17th Street and Orange Avenue to be chosen. Lease one of the unused schools, which could be leased for five years and used with little modifications for the present senior center. The present antiquated center could be demolished and a beautiful two-story center be built on the site. It’s an entire city block in size. It’s accessible and zoned for a center, and the city owns it.

Eileen Murphy

Huntington Beach


‘Green light’ is not a go

I completely disagree with the appeals court ruling on the proposed senior center project (“City: Park project has green light,” Dec. 16). The ruling was based upon technicalities and not the merits of the case. The $22-million figure being bandied about will likely never be realized as the Pacific City project will assuredly be downsized, thus reducing the Quimby Act “in-lieu” fees coming to the city. There are still way too many unknowns for the city to proceed with this project. The supposed “green” light should be a cautionary “yellow” light at best.

Tim Geddes

Huntington Beach


Warm memories of the ice man

I live in upstate New York, but I grew up in Huntington Beach. My buddy sent me your article about Brewster’s Ice (“A business on thin ice,” Dec. 9). I just wanted to let you know that when I was a kid, I knew Virgil Brewster. He use to deliver 5-gallon “glass” jugs of water to our house once a week. He was a very cool dude — a very big man who always wore suspenders and a blue T-shirt, smoked a little cigar, and could carry two 5-gallon glass jugs over his shoulder at a time with no problem.

My family knew him for years, and he is still a very big part of my wonderful memories growing up in a very “rural” Huntington Beach at the time. Thanks for bringing out my memories with your article.

Chuck Vandewark

Alexandria Bay, N.Y.


An apple for this columnist

Once again, Ron Vanderhoff has hit the nail on the head (“Proper pruning helps harvest,” The Coastal Gardener, Dec. 16). He described perfectly my dilemma with my Fuji apple tree. I got about six apples this year. My neighbor, who rarely trimmed his Fuji tree, was loaded with apples. Anyway, I eagerly look forward to his expert advice.

Pam Vallot

Huntington Beach
