
Mailbag: A bright day for Sunset Beach

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On a cool and breezy evening Oct. 6, Mayor Joe Carchio, three City Council members and the city manager of Huntington Beach welcomed Sunset Beach as a part of Huntington Beach. The meeting was attended by members of the community and the Sunset Beach Community Assn. (SBA) board at the outdoor community lot next to the fire station on 12th Street in Sunset Beach.

Some of the benefits of joining Huntington Beach are:

1. Residents are much closer to the seat of government. We won’t have to drive 19 miles to the Civic Center in Santa Ana to transact business. It is only seven miles to the Huntington Beach Civic Center.

2. Huntington Beach police now patrol Sunset Beach. The sheriffs were often dealing with problems elsewhere and had to come from Rossmoor or further away if there was a problem in Sunset Beach.


3. The Huntington Beach Fire Department is now our fire department as well, with a station nearby on Warner Avenue.

4. Code enforcement is closer and, we believe, will be more responsive to the problems unique to a beach area because Huntington Beach has similar problems and concerns.

5. Signs will still say Sunset Beach, much in the way that Corona del Mar and Balboa Island, which are part of Newport Beach, have their own monument signs.

6. Huntington Beach has accepted our Local Coastal Plan and will not impose its own.

It is time for Sunset Beach residents to accept the fact that we have been annexed to Huntington Beach. We need to work with Huntington Beach to make the transition from Orange County to Huntington Beach mutually beneficial. We have a lot to gain by working with Huntington Beach and a lot to lose if we are hostile to the city.

Residents need to work together for the common good of all of Sunset Beach.

Phyllis Maywhort

Sunset Beach


This GOP isn’t so grand right now

Republicans are determined to undermine every initiative my president proposes, but they are shooting themselves and the American people in the foot.

Why would anyone in this country reelect politicians who have nothing but their own agenda guiding their decision-making? Certainly I wouldn’t.

A former Republican president and Congress have a huge responsibility in creating this devastating economy and lack of jobs, and now they (Republican politicians) are doing everything they can to keep us from fixing this mess. You might as well start packing now, because the clock is ticking.

You are either with us or against us, and you’ve made it pretty clear you are against us. You will lose. We will prevail!

Marcia Willis

Huntington Beach
