
Mailbag: Fourth of July rattles Costa Mesa resident

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It is nearly midnight on the Fourth of July in West Costa Mesa and the illegal fireworks have been exploding since midmorning. The huge booms and rattles of firecrackers are punctuated by errant bottle rockets that land around my neighborhood. The Fourth of July used to be fun; now it’s a day that I won’t dare not be home for fear that a bottle rocket will land on my roof and start a fire let alone the terror my pets experience. Some of the explosions today were so loud they literally shook my windows and set off car alarms. I urge the city and police to adopt a zero-tolerance of illegal fireworks in Costa Mesa and to firmly enforce it so that perhaps one day the Fourth of July can again be a safe and sane holiday.

Julie Wahlstedt

Costa Mesa


Holiday decorations signal true feelings

I needed to go shopping the other day, and so I drove up to South Coast Plaza while listening to some beautiful and inspiring patriotic music on my radio. I got to thinking, as I drove up to the parking area at South Coast Plaza, that it won’t be long before the big Christmas push. Decorations will be hung to the light posts with care. I dreaded the thought, and that’s a terrible thing. I should be joyful about celebrating the true meaning of Christmas and gifting others with the joy of the season.


As I was looking around while waiting at the stop light, I heard our national anthem playing on the radio in celebration of the Fourth of July and our country’s independence. I thought to myself, that’s right. The Fourth is only two days away, but I don’t see a single American flag, banner, poster, streamer — nothing but the usual. There were sale and “bargain here” signs, but not a single red, white or blue anything in sight. Independence Day was only two days away. Celebrating Christmas has become all about spending money and getting more stuff, and celebrating the Fourth of July has become all about hamburgers, having enough beer and holiday bargains.

What’s wrong with celebrating our country’s freedom. What’s wrong with decorating buildings and streets with red, white and blue — even South Coast Plaza — in celebration of the United States of America and to help remind us that people died and continue to do so to protect our freedom.

Ann L. Lightcap

Newport Beach


Where was Rohrabacher?

Last week or so, President Obama issued an executive order to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants younger than 30 or so, exclusively for work permit status. Did anyone hear any outcry from the Republicans? Did anyone hear any outcry from Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Costa Mesa)? I heard neither from either. This being a fact, it is clear that Rohrabacher is an establishment Republican/RINO.

I have stated this in the past: The political left must be defeated. However, consider all the so-called independents who are holding back any commitment to this idea. It’s simple — the independents must move to the right, or we will continue on over the edge of the cliff. They hold more power than they realize, and it’s not being employed by them to pursue the defeat over the left. How long will America have to hang on like we hang on now? How much more suffering will innocents have to endure to appease the independents?

America needs numbers to defeat the left, and the independents hold the balance. The left controls the schools and courts; thus, for a majority, they control their minds, as a result of endless indoctrination to any and all that which undermines America. God help us, because I’m not sure we can help ourselves.

John Merzweiler

Huntington Beach
