
Mailbag: Thanks for the columns, Mona Shadia

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I seldom look at blogs, nor do I do Twitter, so I will miss Mona “the Muslim” Shadia’s weekly column, “Unveiled: A Muslim girl in O.C.” I have totally enjoyed her columns, and appreciate sharing her world with us. My best to her and her endeavors, and will be looking forward to any random columns that she does in the future.

Marty Green

Costa Mesa


Power outage

Last Wednesday (Nov. 8) my Marina View neighborhood was without electrical power for 18 hours. We lit candles, used batteries and tried to enjoy candle-lighted take-out. It was inconvenient but hardly catastrophic.


Not so in parts of New York and New Jersey, where the misery from super-storm Sandy and the nor’easter that followed has left tens of thousands without heat, electricity and running water. If ever Americans should come to the aid of fellow citizens, it is now. We would expect the same from them if and when a major temblor strikes the Southland.

Please be as generous as possible via the Red Cross or other philanthropic groups.

Benjamin J. Hubbard

Costa Mesa


Natural column

We were very disappointed to learn that you would be discontinuing the weekly Natural Perspectives column by Vic Leipzig and Lou Murray. It has been most interesting and informative and something we have looked forward to in each issue. Please reconsider this decision as there certainly are other columns that could be eliminated instead to free up space and reduce your overhead.

Ron and Helene Schnorr

Huntington Beach


Blessing the waves

“Somewhere, on the other side of that horizon [the ocean’s], all the answers may await us. Here on the sand, for now, we do our best.” In these few words, you captured something about the fifth annual Blessing of the Waves at Huntington Beach that all of us who work on the event every year truly believe in (“‘Blessing’ faith at finest,” City Lights, Oct. 18). And you captured something that all who were there experienced. Thank you for the whole editorial.

Fr. Christian Mondor

Huntington Beach
