
Mailbag: H.B. needs senior center they can take pride in


I read with dismay the story “Waiting for new digs” in Feb. 28’s Independent.

It is a disgrace that Huntington Beach — which among other things bills itself a surfing capital and a beautiful city, with some of the nicest beaches in the country, parks, lovely hotels etc. — is unable to build a decent senior center.

The politicians were able to come up with the finances to build a huge sports field on Talbert Avenue, of which half the size would have been sufficient, but not able to come up with a center for its older population, which in many respects is the backbone of the community.

To say that the senior center needs attention is an understatement. It should be torn down and the property sold for some useful purpose, which would also improve the area. Then the city should build a decent community center, which would be to the benefit of many and the pride of the city — an accomplishment for its “older folks.”


Maria Bauer

Huntington Beach


Oh, the senior center blues

Sounds bad at the senior center.

Things probably got bad because of the uncertainty of the situation. Before anything can happen in regards to a new center being built, a study must be done, and that will be expensive and time consuming.

It will be a long time before $20 million will appear for the senior center in the park. We could have some fundraisers for a new air conditioner and repairs, but it would be small change to fix it as opposed to any other alternatives.

It’s time to stop crying for the lost palace in the park and make the most of what we have.

Pam Vallot

Huntington Beach
