
Commentary: Letters against new center put down to seniors

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The Independent’s article on the condition of the current Huntington Beach Senior Center was well done and pointed out how old the facility is and inadequate to serve today’s senior population (“Waiting for new digs,” Feb. 28). Everyone older than 55 deserves a special place to go to and enjoy friendship, food, entertainment and education.

In contrast, the letters in the Mailbag on March 14, from people who believe that a new senior center should not be built, disregard the truth and disrespect the Huntington Beach senior population.

Those opposing a new center like to say everyone is against a new senior center, even though an election proved them wrong. I do not know how they can state that nobody is supportive of a new senior center or willing to help fund it. The new senior center will be built with city funding and contributions from individuals and corporations, just like Newport Beach was able to complete its new senior center last year.


Writers Gregory Brewsaugh and Tim Geddes have long been against a new senior center in the park, even though Huntington Beach residents voted for it, and they continue to talk it down every chance they get.

To suggest that the Independent’s article on the current senior center’s condition was a ploy between the paper and the city is outrageous.

Just because these people are against the new senior center doesn’t mean it isn’t the right thing to do for our seniors. Blaming the management staff at the senior center for the condition of a building dating to World War II is wrong.

The senior center building is just plain old, and trying to do some minor repairs will not make the building bigger and better able to accommodate all the different programs for our seniors.

The city of Huntington Beach needs to continue on its quest to build a new senior center to serve this very important part of our population. Our seniors have given so much so everyone in Huntington Beach can today enjoy the great city that is today, so it is time to give back to them.

Build a new senior center.

J.D. MILES is a resident of Huntington Beach.
