
Mailbag: Vote for fireworks, lose my vote

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I kept track two years ago of which City Council members were foolish enough to vote for reinstatement of fireworks in Huntington Beach, and voted against those who ran again.

I will do the same this time too. If their homes were set afire by fireworks maybe they would get it. Unfortunately, it is more likely to be an innocent victim of their stupidity who suffers. Need I even mention possible injuries?

Mark Temple

Huntington Beach


Illegal fireworks rattle the area


Regarding the article “Will ‘safe and sane’ stay legal in H.B.?” in the June 26 edition,

I want to hang out in Mayor Pro Tem Matthew Harper’s neighborhood on the Fourth of July. He must live in a law-abiding area, judging by his comments concerning the city ban on the sale and use of fireworks.

He favors legalizing fireworks in the city and wrote, “It’s time to make them lawful permanently again in Huntington Beach, just like they used to be.”

Apparently folks in his neck of the woods take the “safe and sane” fireworks rule seriously. Probably not a one of them contributed to the mass of illegal fireworks confiscated by the Huntington Beach Police Department in 2012.

Perhaps that is why Harper is so gosh darn convinced that Huntington Beach residents will revolt against this oppressive threat to our freedom, disguised as a safety measure no less. Is it not our God-given right to blow up everything around us to commemorate our independence from Britain?

People in my neighborhood also take the Fourth seriously. It wouldn’t surprise me if a hefty percentage of the 165 pounds of illegal fireworks nabbed last year were from my tract alone.

Heck, my neighbors don’t limit their celebrations to one measly day. It’s a full season in these parts, stretching from mid-June to mid-July. One day is simply not time enough to detonate the arsenal these patriots have stockpiled.

“The Star Spangled Banner” is much more than an anthem around here. It is a yearly reenactment. Inspiration is directly taken from the words of Francis Scott Key, “and the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air.”

No sir, you won’t find many of those wimpy “safe and sane” fireworks fizzling in this corner of Huntington Beach. Only mega-decibel, wall-shaking, earsplitting pyrotechnics will do. If it doesn’t set off several car alarms, rattle windows and induce terror in terriers and toddlers, it’s not worth its weight in gunpowder.

As far as the stipulation in the fireworks trial rules prohibiting explosives from being discharged within 10 feet of any structure, I say “Hah!” The alley behind my house could rival any war zone. Especially in the evenings, when so many exploding bombs rain down it is impossible to tell which direction they came from.

It seems to me that patriotism is best expressed when we stay informed, vote, fulfill jury duty, observe the laws and be of service in our communities.

Of course, the birth of our nation should be celebrated. Parades, picnics, concerts and, yes, spectacular, professionally presented fireworks displays are cherished traditions in America.

Fireworks intended for home use can add to a celebration if used safely. Terrorizing one’s neighborhood with illegal fireworks, however, is just un-American.

M. Franklin

Huntington Beach


Poseidon has more questions to answer

Thanks so much for the update on the Poseidon desalination project.

So many of our residents believe it is a done deal, but it is not and should not be approved by the California Coastal Commission for myriad reasons beyond what the commission will consider: financial, who will build pipelines to get the water to users, potential property damage to homeowners during construction, privatization of a public resource.

The applicant, Poseidon Resources, complains that it has answered all the interrogatories presented to it by the commission. But Poseidon needs to provide substantive proof that this is a viable project, including signed contracts with third parties, labor agreements that show it will pay prevailing wages or use union labor during construction and operations, and quantitative revenue and cost analyses by independent professionals.

If I were Poseidon, I would want to take a breath and see how the Carlsbad project turns out before starting on another. Yes, we need water in Southern California and we can meet the demand through state-of-the-art ground water replenishment systems, conservation (yes, yank out those lawns) and more efficient water management.

Building this desalination plant, although it sounds glitzy, is a poor use of energy and could cause great harm to our ocean, leading only to increased costs to ratepayers.

Pat Goodman

Huntington Beach
