
Nibley and Carr parks could get a combined $200,000 in new playground equipment

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Two Glendale parks may get all new playground equipment after the Glendale Community Services and Parks submitted plans Friday for their overhaul.

Carr Park, located in northeast Glendale, and Nibley Park in the north will benefit from a roughly combined $200,000 in park equipment if the request is approved by the city’s planning department.

After accounting for expenses associated with planning, permits and installation, the total project cost to the city is estimated at just over $600,000. That amount reflects a roughly $150,000 grant discount from the California Park & Recreation Society.

The grant is a partnership with Playcore — a Tenessee-based company that designs playground and recreational spaces — for a statewide “healthy play” initiative to raise awareness of the benefits of California parks.

According to a staff report, the conceptual design by Alabama-based equipment supplier and Playcore company, GameTime, supports “research-based” elements of physical activity. These include brachiating (swinging one’s body across an apparatus such as monkey bars), climbing, sliding, swinging, balancing and spinning.

Demolition and clearing was originally scheduled to begin in January for Nibley, with installation of its playground equipment scheduled for February. However, according to Onnig Bulanikian, the city’s director of community services and parks, plans had to be resubmitted because “additional information was needed from the vendor.”

Carr Park is currently demolished with equipment installation tentatively scheduled for early March.

The installation will begin once plans are approved, starting with Carr Park, Bulanikian said.

The Glendale City Council originally approved the project in November.

Twitter: @JeffLanda
