
Local Armenian organizations bracing for the worst

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GLENDALE — Local Armenian organizations are bracing themselves for the worst, following news reports that an Armenia-bound airplane crashed in Iran today.

All 168 people on-board are believed dead.

Chairman Vasken Khodanian of Glendale’s Armenian Council of America said he is trying to obtain a list of passengers on Caspian Airways Flight 7908. That way, he said, he can determine whether any local residents were affected.

The flight took off from Tehran and was headed to the capital city of Yerevan in Armenia, but crashed before noon in the Takestan region of Iran.

Khodanian urged residents concerned about the crash and might have had family on the flight to call his organization for help at (818) 502-6580.

Check back to for more on this developing story. Additional information about the crash itself can be found at
