
Letters to the Editor: Keep the parking at Central Library convenient for users

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The proposed ice-skating rink in the parking lot behind City Hall would seem to me to be a rather healthy idea for the winter holiday season. (Albeit I share the other letter writers’ chagrin over the branch libraries’ reduced hours!) Presumably the parking for the rink would be available at the City Hall’s own parking structure?

At any rate, it’s the purported master plan for the “Central Park Campus Design” that could well result in the loss of the truly convenient parking lots adjacent to the Central Library.

While the Armenian American Museum is expected to have its own underground parking, the expanded master plan could well result in doing away with the library’s best parking.

As regular users know well, the south side’s parking lot has access to one-hour free parking, so it’s worth saving. And the parking lot on the Louise Street side offers up to 30 minutes of free parking, along with several handicapped-parking only spaces.

Harvard Street parking is limited to two hours once a day, for a dollar an hour; Louise Street parking, while free, is limited to two hours and is much farther away from both of the new entrances. The same essentially holds true for the paid parking along the rear alley on the library’s west side.

However, that would only leave that claustrophobically congested Market Place parking structure, with its “up to three hours¨ of free Central Library parking — with validation, that is.

Oh well, such inconvenienced Central Library patrons could always take public transportation like the bus!

Harvey Pearson

Los Feliz

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