
Commentary: Rouda favors clean energy, equal rights, an end to gun violence, fair immigration

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In a time when small district congressional elections are making news on the national scene, we here in the 48th District, which encompasses Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach, had better pay attention to what’s going on in our own backyard.

In this “jungle primary,” which has 16 candidates listed on the ballot for U.S. representative in the 48th District, only the two top vote-getters will proceed to the November election.

But did you know that three of the names listed on the ballot have withdrawn from the race? That’s right. For example, if you had planned to vote for a female Democrat, the two women who fit this description on the ballot have since withdrawn from the race, so think again.


Ballots are confusing enough with so many seemingly obscure roles to fill. But this congressional seat is major. If we elect the right person for this office, great strides can be made.

While the candidates’ websites can be helpful, offering information regarding key issues and endorsements (as well as indicating their level of sophistication and engagement), personal recommendation from friends, neighbors, local business leaders and grassroots organizations can speak volumes.

I don’t know about most of you, but I do not trust the California Democratic Party endorsement for this position. He did not win a single debate.

We all need to take an interest in this. Our future, and our children’s futures, hinges on it.

The current political climate is a disaster exacerbated by President Trump’s ineptitude and his dismantling of many key programs that benefit all individuals, our state, our country and our planet. We absolutely need, each and every one of us, to take an active role and unite behind one good candidate. I believe that candidate is Harley Rouda.

Rouda jumped in early — he declared his candidacy shortly after Trump was elected, compelled to put himself in the ring as a positive and active driver for better outcomes in our nation. That means clean energy, equal rights for all, an end to gun violence, fair immigration policies, healthcare for all and more.

Harley is articulate, committed and engaged. He is a well-educated people person who has already made frequent trips to Washington, D.C., and is cultivating relationships so that when he arrives, he’ll spring right into action. Harley is the one who can really win it in November and also do a great job once in office.

Don’t wait until you’re in the voting booth to decide. This decision is too important. Make your decision now. Vote Rouda.
