
Newport council to consider crosswalk and Peninsula Park projects

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Two projects on the Balboa Peninsula are among the items on a light Newport Beach City Council agenda Tuesday.

City staff recommends awarding Long Beach-based Excel Paving a contract to restripe and add signs to crosswalks along Balboa and Newport boulevards. The high-visibility striping, new pedestrian advisory signs and repaved crosswalk areas at 45 intersections are the first phase of planned pedestrian infrastructure improvements for the peninsula’s main drags. The $425,000 package would include construction and contingencies.

The council also will consider a $267,000 renovation package for Peninsula Park near the Balboa Pier. Work would include replacing the deteriorating concrete wall around the field, replacing the adjacent sidewalk and walkways to the fire pits and renovating the stairs and railing at the bathrooms. Staff recommends Colton-based S&H Civilworks for the $234,000 construction portion. The balance of the price would be for contingencies and incidentals.


Tuesday’s meeting starts at 7 p.m. at City Hall, 100 Civic Center Drive.

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