
MAILBAG: Measure M money doesn’t fund toll roads

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Regarding “Savor Toll Road Victory” (Dec. 25), I respectfully request a correction be made on a reference that was erroneously attributed to me as follows, “County Supervisor Pat Bates also argued that voters essentially approved the 241 Toll Road extension by passing Measure M, the transportation tax measure that funds it.”

It is important that your readers understand that no local tax revenue collected through the Renewed Measure M one-half cent sales tax for transportation projects is used to maintain or construct toll roads in Orange County. As a director on the Orange County Transportation Authority board, I am committed to the voter-approved Renewed Measure M projects which will not include the TCA toll road extension projects. Developer fees and revenue bonds backed by user fees (tolls) are the primary sources of funding for these projects and would be the same method of financing construction of the proposed Foothill-South Toll Road Extension Project.

While the current alignment of the proposed Foothill-South Toll Road has been rejected, it is important that we continue to seek comprehensive solutions to the wide-ranging transportation problems we face in South Orange County. This includes considering, whenever possible, projects that require no tax dollars while benefiting millions of people.



Editor’s note: Pat Bates is county supervisor for the 5th District.
