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Vandalism at St. Paul’s a felony, police say

Paul’s Lutheran Church officials reported vandalism of the vacant church May 13. Police found urine and vomit in the sanctuary, beer cans strewn around, and drawers and cupboards opened. The contents were disturbed.

“We have collected specimens and sent them to the Orange County Crime Lab for DNA and fingerprint analysis,” Laguna Beach police Sgt. Jason Kravetz said.


Kravetz said the vandalism and burglary are classified as felonies due to the high cost of repairs. Estimates are underway.

Company alleges bakery owner owes money

Protesters were gone from the front of Scandia Bakery on Thursday, the day after a lawsuit was filed against the company that alleges the bakery owner owes money.

Priority Business Services Inc. alleges that it had provided labor for a company affiliated with Scandia and was owed $50,000.

“We are just trying to have the man pay his bills,” said Craig Paisley, vice president of the Aliso Viejo branch of Priority, which is not the branch from which the laborers were provided.

Bakery owner Mehrdad Tabrizi referred calls to attorney Robert Bonito, who said Scandia owes no money to Priority.

“We filed a lawsuit on Wednesday in Orange County Superior Court against Priority for defamation and trade libel,” Bonita said.

“We are seeking injunctive relief. They are making false accusations, and we will go to trial to seek punitive damages.”

Signs asked the public not to patronize the bakery.

Picketing began Saturday and continued Sunday, with a break Monday, and began again Tuesday and Wednesday.

Kravetz said Thursday that the picketing was not illegal as long as the bakery and the sidewalk were not blocked and there was no infringement of anyone’s civil liberties.

“Officers were there a few times,” Kravetz said. “We were trying to mediate without abrogating anyone’s civil rights.”

The dispute has not been resolved and picketing could resume depending on circumstances, a Priority spokesman said.

Sunday’s earthquake raises no alarm

The 4.7 earthquake that hit Southern California about 8:40 p.m. Sunday caused no reported damage or injuries in Laguna.

Emergency phone lines were not clogged, which often happens after an earthquake.

“We were really pleased that the residents did not flood 911 with calls, which allowed real emergency calls to get through,” said Rita Fraser, civilian supervisor of Police Support Services and communications manager.

“I heard that the Los Angeles chief of police had to ask the public to stop calling unless they needed assistance or to report damage because their system was overwhelmed.”

Fire stations were advised to pull out their rigs as a precaution, but police were not put on alert.

Suspected tagger arrested Sunday

A 24-year-old painter from West Covina was placed under arrest by a citizen Sunday on suspicion of tagging.

Police were called to 1000 Steps Beach by a man who said he could see taggers and would keep them in view until officers arrived. Brandon Cort Roybal was taken into custody and ticketed for possession of marijuana. Police also found cans of spray paint and markers in the backpack. Kravetz said Roybal is on probation for graffiti and vandalism convictions. Roybal was cited and released.
