
Heather Grow

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Name: Heather Grow

Age: 37

Birthplace: California

How long have you lived in Huntington Beach? 37 years

Occupation: educator

Education: bachelor’s degree in political science-public service from UC Davis; juris foctor and government affairs certificate from University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law

Previously elected or appointed positions: Huntington Beach Youth Board

Community organizations you belong to: Assistance League of Huntington Beach, Friends of the Library, Books for Soldiers

What do you think are the biggest issues facing Huntington Beach right now?

We need to restore community pride. Huntington Beach residents need to feel their voice is being heard and their views are at the heart of the policy-making process.


Maintaining public safety. It’s imperative that lives and property are protected, crime is prevented, order is maintained, and laws are enforced with due regard for the constitutional rights of all citizens. Our police, fire protection and marine safety departments cannot operate on shoestring budgets. I will work with public safety leaders to ensure they have the necessary funds and employees to keep our city safe and running efficiently.

We need to invest in our city’s infrastructure. It’s important that we properly maintain our streets, parks, sewer and water systems so they do not deteriorate. If we neglect and allow our infrastructure to fall into disrepair, it will prove costly and a huge burden to the taxpayers in the end.

What is one decision in the last year the City Council got right and why would you have supported it?

The move toward allowing those people who need the assistance of a service to have four dogs instead of the usual three was the humane thing to do. Families who have three dogs and then become in need of a service dog will not have to say goodbye to one of their beloved pets in order to get the help that they need.

What is one decision in the last year the City Council got wrong, or partially wrong, and why would you have voted differently?

The City Council was wrong in supporting and approving the Ridge Project. Changing the designation of that fragile and historic part of Bolsa Chica from public space to residential was the wrong thing for our community. I would have and will vote to preserve our wetlands.
