
School district prepared for state cuts

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The Laguna Beach Unified School District reported that it reserved funds in anticipation of low state revenues and cuts, which went into effect last week under Gov. Jerry Brown.

When the state legislature adopted the budget in July, it anticipated higher revenues than came to pass, said the district’s Assistant Supt. of Business Services Norma Shelton.

Initially, it looked like the state was going to pull $189 per student, but enough revenue was generated to reduce the deficit to $13 per student, Shelton said.


The state also pulled home-to-school transportation funding.

The cuts to Laguna Beach schools add up to $225,000.

However, Shelton said all school districts planned for major cuts and LBUSD set aside money just in case.

“We had anticipated that this would occur because we monitored on a monthly basis how the state was collecting revenue,” she said.

The state’s budget will be proposed again in January.

“Everyone is just waiting to see how the economy bounces back,” she said.

Twitter: @joannaclay
