
Letters to the Editor: Fountain Valley supports an immigration position that divides, rather than unites, us all

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Re: “Fountain Valley, with aid from Rohrabacher, backs federal lawsuit against ‘sanctuary’ laws”: So we are not using taxpayer money in order to make this statement. Good. We are not being used by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Costa Mesa) for publicity in his primary battle against former Assemblyman Scott Baugh. Also good.

Instead, the Fountain Valley City Council has attached every citizen of our city to the politically charged agenda of a Washington, D.C.-based advocacy group in response to a political itch, the scratching of which will do nothing to address the fiscal and demographic challenges of our small, built-out suburban community.

Because Fountain Valley is able to attach itself at no cost to the brief being prepared by the Immigration Reform Law Institute, City Manager Rob Houston called the decision “the taxpayer friendly way to get the job done.” Nevermind that the “job” is an unforced error of a political stunt destined to divide us from one another.


Badly done, Fountain Valley City Council. Badly done.

Patricia Fogarty

Fountain Valley

Please help the county’s homeless

In this affluent county, no one should be homeless! Every O.C. city should care and implement programs. It’s despicable they don’t. I am disgusted and disappointed that Huntington Beach (with its greedy, self- serving council) sued Orange County, fighting temporary shelter on empty land nowhere near residential area, and land is owned by O.C! Unconscionable.

Lynn Copeland

Huntington Beach

Californians take immigrant labor for granted

I am writing in regards to Los Angeles Times columnist Steve Lopez’s excellent article, talking to Newport Beach residents (“In Newport Beach, Trump is passing for Reagan”). I was struck by one Newport Beach woman, a physical therapist married to a physician, who stated that “so many people are here who aren’t part of the system.”

Would these people be the same ones who clean the bedpans, change the soiled sheets and wipe up the floors at the hospital where her husband is on staff? Are these the same people who pull our vegetables from the earth for us, pick our fruit and care for our children like their own or wash the dishes in their favorite restaurant?

We in California have set up this “system” and we benefit greatly from it. We take their labor and sweat for granted, yet resent feeding and educating their children. Our prime purpose in life is to help people, and if we can’t help them, at the very least don’t hurt them.

Jane Bove

Costa Mesa

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