
Letters to the Editor: Costa Mesa City Council’s growing pains are evident

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We assume the risk when we elect candidates who have little understanding of city business, process and procedure. As one council member stated at the last City Council meeting, “We are still learning, we’re learning a lot.”

While it can be given that those new to council are familiarizing themselves with city staff, residents should be able to feel confident they at least understand the process and procedure of conducting city business.

For the record:

11:05 a.m. June 16, 2019In the letter by Tim Geddes, state Sen. John Moorlach originally was identified incorrectly as a Democrat from Laguna Beach. He is a Republican from Costa Mesa.

Costa Mesa council meetings are not the time to interrupt or interrogate residents who are speaking at public comments. The three minutes allocated to speakers is, by law, protected speech. Instead what we are witnessing are speakers being interrogated or interrupted by the mayor or the new council majority. The past council was highly criticized by these people, who are now displaying the same inappropriate behavior.


Tuesday’s meeting was a fiasco of the first degree. The mayor had no control over the proceedings.

Councilwoman Andrea Marr took it upon herself to push back on comments made by a resident who had come to voice her concerns at the podium. This is not a time for debate, and Councilwoman Marr should know this. It is a meager three minutes of time where a resident can share their concerns with the council and public, regardless if a council member might not be amenable to them.

Later in this same session the mayor pro tem spoke directly from the dais to a resident in the audience, criticizing them for their earlier comments.

The mayor demanded an answer from another speaker, who had completed their public comments and then denied that speaker time to answer.

One new council member admitted they are still learning. My hope is they are not learning that this is an appropriate way to conduct city business.

Mayor Katrina Foley has the responsibility to protect and encourage residents to participate in city issues by coming to council and speaking. An informed and engaged constituency is a vital part of our community and to discourage this is reprehensible.

Cindy Black

Costa Mesa

Another vote for Katrina Foley

I agree with letter writer Charles Mooney (“Costa Mesa Mayor Katrina Foley is the best candidate for state Senate,” June 10), but, as with the congressional races, there are an embarrassment of riches among Democrats who are qualified to serve and would be better than state Sen. John Moorlach (R-Costa Mesa). Dave Min, an Irvine attorney who is well-regarded, well-respected and well-endorsed in his previous race, comes to mind.

However, as a constituent in the 37th state Senate District, my job is to support, as Mooney states, the best candidate to represent me and to defeat an incumbent who has done nothing for the residents of the district. That candidate is Foley, a proven commodity. She has worked well with state Assemblywoman Cottie Petri-Norris (D-Laguna Beach) and Rep. Harley Rouda (D-Laguna Beach) this year.

Voters in Orange County districts with heavy Republican registration advantages have been shown that cardboard conservatives and partisan warriors are not the best choice to represent their constituent needs. The evidence from the 2018 election is clear. Yes, we need fighters in political office, but fighters for our interests and not partisan special interests. Foley would serve us well.

Tim Geddes

Huntington Beach

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