
WHAT HAPPENED: The Planning Commission unanimously...

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The Planning Commission unanimously approved a request to rezone

three parcels of land to conform with the city’s current overall

general plan.


California state law requires that each city prepare and adopt a

comprehensive, long-term general plan for its future development. In

1996, the city made some changes to its general plan. Since the plan

was changed, zoning designations for First Christian Church, 1207

Main St.; the Huntington Beach City School District, 770 17th St.;

the AES Generating Station, 21730 Newland St. and the Edison storage

tanks at the northwest corner of Magnolia Street and Banning Avenue

had to be modified to fit the plan. The city made the changes so that

the zoning modifications match the changes in the master plan.

“It’s really a housekeeping item for us,” said Ricky Ramos,

associate city planner.
