
MAILBAG - Dec. 28, 2007

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St. Catherine’s events generate noise

At the recent Planning Commission hearing on this project several speakers complained about loud noise on some evenings. My condo is about 25 feet away from the gymnasium and athletic field where these events are staged so I am acutely aware of the noise generated by these events. Unfortunately there isn’t much we can do about it. St. Catherine school stages one, and maybe two, events during the year. All of the others are under the local Diocese and are not connected directly with the school.

When I have gone over to the gymnasium to complain about the noise I get little or no cooperation.



Laguna Beach

Iseman committed to quality of life

The quality of life of Laguna Beach residents is better today as a result of Toni Iseman’s tireless work as mayor. During her tenure, Toni led with distinction and did not back off from the tough issues that confronted our city. She came into office with a vision for our town and held firmly to her principles throughout her mayoral term.

Public safety, alternative transportation, environmental building standards, beach pollution, air quality, and an uncompromising commitment to maintaining our village character were at the top of her agenda. She never wavered from these commitments.

She listened when it was appropriate and took action when it was necessary. She realized the importance of consensus-building and always took the initiative to keep lines of communication open.

Whether the issue impacted a single neighborhood or the entire community, Toni made herself available to all. Like Charlton Boyd, who served unselfishly in the late 1960s and early 1970s, Toni Iseman brought ideals and values to her work.


Laguna Beach

Shelter needs more annual donors

All Lagunans should be proud that we have an organization like the Friendship Shelter in our town. Join me in supporting the Friendship Shelter.

Following the biblical admonition that to teach a person to fish is better than to give them a fish, the Friendship Shelter has been instrumental in turning lives around.

Those less fortunate, serious about making a change, can obtain food, housing, and most importantly support and guidance to make a fresh start. Learn more about their important work by calling (949) 494-6928 or writing Friendship Shelter P.O. Box 4252 Laguna Beach CA 92652.

The Friendship Shelter staff and volunteers do the important and difficult work. It’s not too much to ask others of us to help them financially. They would appreciate any donation, however modest.

My wife, Johanna, and I are proud to be members of the Friendship Shelter Renaissance Club who pledge to donate $1,000 per year for five years. When Colin Henderson proudly announced the number of couples that had done so, he was thankful and appreciative. I was embarrassed.

How can so few in our prosperous community make this commitment?

So I am writing this letter to bring this program to the attention of your readers in the hope we can get more help for these wonderful people.


Laguna Beach
