
New candidate enters Costa Mesa council race

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Marshall B. Krupp wants to see business handled differently in Costa Mesa, so he has added his name to the list of City Council candidates.

“It’s time for there to be a new, refreshing approach to representing the community,” said Krupp, a business consultant who has lived in the city for eight years. “I want to bring a nonpolitical approach to decision-making.”

Although a registered Republican, Krupp, 62, said he doesn’t align himself with any one political party or a particular member of the council.


However, he generally disagrees with the way the current council majority conducts its business, including the transparency of outsourcing some city workers, and said he sees the council’s dissenting voice, Councilwoman Wendy Leece, as open to other viewpoints and not tied to special interests.

“There are better ways to address the issues than the current City Council is doing it,” Krupp said, adding that he sees good ideas coming from the Democratic, Libertarian and tea parties.

Krupp said he sees the potential of outsourcing, but it has to be weighed against the consequences financially, operationally and to the employees.

He also believes a city charter discussion deserves to take place, but he doesn’t want to see the process rushed.

Krupp is president and chief executive of Costa Mesa-based Community Systems Associates Inc., a consulting firm for public agencies. He works with cities, redevelopment agencies and school districts statewide on everything from finance and land planning to environmental reports and mediation.

He has previously served as the director of redevelopment and community development for the city of Fullerton, and has worked in the same field for the city of Cerritos.

Krupp is married and has an adult daughter.

He stresses several values on his website, including truth, accountability, authenticity and integrity.

Krupp filed his intention to run last week for one of three open seats in November against Councilmen Gary Monahan and Steve Mensinger.

Also in the race are Planning Commissioner Colin McCarthy and medical marijuana advocate Sue Lester.

Mayor Eric Bever is termed out.

Twitter: @britneyjbarnes
