
Mailbag: Fourth of July parade no place for negative partisan gestures

The 119th annual Fourth of July parade begins, proceeding down PCH to Main Street.
The beginning of the 119th annual Huntington Beach Fourth of July Parade. A reader and parade participant writes to express his disappointment in partisan gestures he says he saw from a few people in the crowd.
(Spencer Grant)

I had the opportunity to work on the Democratic Party of O.C. float and ride in the 119th Fourth of July Parade in Huntington Beach (the largest such event west of the Mississippi River). I was surprised that while the majority of the crowd viewed our float and Beach Boy music without comment, a few felt their need to show their displeasure by shaking their heads from side to side and making “thumbs down” gestures.

This was definitely not the proper gestures that should have been demonstrated, especially on a day celebrating freedom.

As a wise person once said, respect for the opinion of others means peace. Let us hope that the nationwide violence that has taken place this year is only temporary and true bipartisanship can once again prevail.


Richard C. Armendariz
Huntington Beach
