
Mailbag: Concerns about H.B.’s animal shelter

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Newport Beach Animal Control has contracted with the Orange County Humane Society shelter on Newland Street in Huntington Beach (“Newport OKs contract to use shelter,” April 28). With an already overcrowded shelter with Costa Mesa’s and Westminster’s unwanted dogs and cats, the Orange County Humane Society will likely be stepping up its kill rate.

Apparently, Newport Beach’s animals will be getting preferential treatment, with allocated cages and kennels, I believe. They have offered Samir Botros, the shelter’s owner, $7,000 a month to secure their animals.

Sadly, the abandoned cats and dogs from Westminster and Costa Mesa, cities who have contracted with this shelter from the beginning, will lose out to Newport Beach’s animals.


As they say, money talks.

The flip side of this is that perhaps now the Orange County Humane Society will become more “humane” with Newport on its back.

Most people are not aware that the Orange County Humane Society on Newland has no affiliation with the “real” Humane Society of the U.S., nor does it adhere to its guidelines. It is only in name, which is a financial gain for the owner.

There is a false sense of security for people relinquishing their pets to the Orange County Humane Society. People need to get the facts.

Lynn Beasley

Huntington Beach


Art Center is added value, indeed

Thank you for your interest in the Huntington Beach Art Center (“H.B. Art Center asks for budget support,” May 5). I believe it is a valuable asset to the community and deserving of support.

The arts are often seen as “soft targets” when budget cuts are made. The arts are not, as some people think, “frivolous.” Education that leaves out the arts denies its students the opportunity to grow into well-rounded and confident members of society.

I think it’s fitting that the City Council lists the Art Center as an “added value” venue. Its added value to the community is hopefully not beyond the comprehension of those entrusted with the welfare of the citizens.

LeRoy Lucian

Huntington Beach
