
Crossings development is back on the Fountain Valley council agenda

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The Fountain Valley Crossings rezoning plan is coming back before the City Council.

The council will discuss the plan during its Tuesday afternoon study session.

The council last considered the plan in June 2017, when it postponed a vote on the Crossings environmental report to allow more public comment. The city has since released a revised report.

Council approval of the environmental report is needed before the city can make zoning changes that could allow redevelopment of 162 acres in the southwest portion of the city.

The largely industrial area bordered by Ward Street, Talbert and Ellis avenues and the Santa Ana River eventually could become a diverse blend of retail and entertainment venues, as well as up to about 500 homes.


The city Planning Commission approved the report in May 2017 with some adjustments, especially to the intensity of housing in the “activity core.”

Residents have offered comments at or in advance of past city meetings, many against the plan. Concerns include worry about increased traffic and stresses on infrastructure and local schools, along with overall distaste for the plan’s housing component.

Tuesday’s meeting starts at 4:30 p.m. with the study session, followed by the regular session at 6 p.m. at City Hall, 10200 Slater Ave.

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