
Scott gives speech on state of California

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In an effort to build two-way communication between himself and his

colleagues and constituents in Burbank, state Sen. Jack Scott, who

also represents Glendale, gave his State of the State address to the

council Tuesday.

“I need to constantly be in touch with the ideas of my

constituents,” Scott said during his comments near the top of the


Scott, who represents the 21st Senate District, said he will host

a Town Hall meeting regarding education at Glendale Adventist

Hospital on Oct. 24.

Mayor Jef Vander Borght said Scott’s annual speech brought the

state government closer to home.

“It brings his presence to a local level and that’s important

because all the work he does is to represent us,” Vander Borght said.

“Sacramento is so far away that we sometimes forget he’s a real guy

just like us and he can bring these issues to us and hopefully he

hears things for us that help adjust his agenda.”

Scott said almost half the massive California budget is dedicated

to education and that it “mirrors policy directives” of the state


In the 2005-06 fiscal year, the state dedicated $50 billion in

kindergarten-throughcommunity college education, he said.

Still, he fired a shot at Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

“The Governor did not return money he had taken from before.

Still, we were able to reach a compromise,” on the budget, Scott

said. “We did not increase taxes and we did not include borrowing and

that reflected the vitality of our state’s economy.”

The legislature paid back the lost part of the vehicle license

fees to counties and cities two years ahead of schedule, Scott said.

And local governments will have more control and funding for

transportation since the Legislature fully funded Proposition 42.

Scott, who was president of Pasadena City College, was proud of

two bills that were signed by the governor.

Senate Bill 352 will grant school $14 million to educate

administrators on how to run districts with more business acumen.

“Because of my background in education, it disturbs me to see

school districts go bankrupt,” Scott said. “They should focus on

getting students to college but if the finances aren’t handled well

then the education fails, too.”

Senate Bill 70 will help fund alliances between high schools,

community college and businesses to enhance or create

vocational-technical education programs.

He said high schools are busy getting students ready to go on to

college but many manually skilled students might not get the training

they need to stay interested in school and get a job after


“I think this could help the dropout rate,” Scott said.

Scott urged those on the local level to vote in November’s special

election, which features several important propositions.

Scott said he and his staff members will participate in several

public events, “So we can listen to our constituents so I can more

effectively represent the city of Burbank.”

Councilman Dave Golonski said state law often hinders the city in

providing more affordable housing.

Vander Borght thanked Scott for his address.

“We think of Sacramento as full of people who are out of touch.

That certainly is not you,” Vander Borght said.


What issues do you think state Sen. Jack Scott should tackle in

the next legislative session? E-mail your responses to

o7burbankleader @latimes.comf7; mail them to the Burbank Leader,

111 W. Wilson Ave., Glendale, CA 91203. Please spell your name and

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