
Rhymes by Laguna kids

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If you’re not from Laguna

You don’t know Bluebird Park.

You can’t know Bluebird Park.

All the concerts in the park,

Coming home right before dark.

Tortoise sits beside the green grassy stage,

The playground is open to even the old age.

Fresh-smelling grass, ready to mow,

People will eat as they wait for the show.

Bluebird Park is one of Laguna’s beautiful places,

Because there you will see a lot of smiling faces.

Bluebird Park has striking scenery, gorgeous plants, and more,

With all of the swings, slides, and music, it’s really a place to adore.

If you’re not from Laguna, you don’t know Bluebird Park.

Hannah Neill, 9

If you’re not from Laguna

You don’t know Lagunatics.

You can’t know Lagunatics.

Lagunatics is quite a show,

Every year I can’t wait to go!

My mom is the writer and director of all,

And now it’s time for the curtain call.

Acting, singing, dancing, and fun,

It is enjoyed by everyone!

If you’re not from Laguna,

You don’t know Lagunatics.

Noah Rosen, 9

If you’re not from Laguna

You don’t know the art.

You can’t know the art.

There are stories in the public art,

Many come straight from the heart.

The banners sway so gracefully in the breeze,

They hang as high as the tall trees.

Art benches both big and small,

You should walk around town to see them all.

If you’re not from Laguna,

You don’t know the art.

Ian Detweiller, 9

If you’re not from Laguna,

You don’t know the public library.

You can’t know the public library.

Our library has books stacked up to the sky,

They take you anywhere you want.

There is even a room for Laguna Beach history.

It’s peaceful there.

You can read nonfiction and fantasy.

The new bench out front is a wonderful sight.

In the summer the fan is on to cool you down.

In the winter the heat is on to warm you up.

If you’re not from Laguna,

You don’t know our public library.

Zachary Levine, 9

If you’re not from Laguna

You don’t know the ocean.

You can’t know the ocean.

Along Laguna is the ocean’s shore,

You can listen to the waves loudly roar.

You can see lots of fish and dolphins too,

The water is a beautiful blue.

I look out at the ocean and it never ends,

I love to play in the ocean with my friends.

If you’re not from Laguna,

You don’t know the ocean.

Rose Niermeijer, 9

If you’re not from Laguna

You don’t know the sunset.

You can’t know the sunset.

The sunset sparkles onto the water,

Making the colors look even broader.

Pink, purple, yellow, and red,

It’s a rainbow of colors that is widespread.

Seeing the sunset makes me feel at peace,

It paints such a beautiful masterpiece.

If you’re not from Laguna,

You don’t know the sunset.

Charlotte Rubel, 9

If you’re not from Laguna

You don’t know the ocean.

You can’t know the ocean.

The waves splashing up in the air.

The dolphins gliding through the waves.

The warm sun shining on the hot sand from the blue sky.

The people tanning in the hot sun.

People swim when the tide is low.

When the tide is red you do not want to go.

But the ocean is not always kind.

Sometimes you have to be careful.

It will pull you away.

So you need to be careful if you want to play.

If you’re not from Laguna,

You don’t know the ocean.

Alex Rounaghi, 9

If you’re not from Laguna

You don’t know the sunset.

You can’t know the sunset.

The sunset gleams with orange and red,

And makes the ocean glitter instead.

The sunset bursts with beautiful scenes,

And makes me have magnificent dreams.

The sunset lets me look at her beauty,

Painting the sky is her duty.

If you’re not from Laguna,

You don’t know the sunset.

Tyler Levine, 9
