
Cheryl Brothers


Name: Cheryl Brothers

Age: 64

Birthplace: Long Beach

How long have you lived in Fountain Valley? 35 years

Occupation: City councilwoman and community volunteer

Education: some college

Previously elected or appointed positions: Fountain Valley Community Services Commission, 1987-96; Fountain Valley Planning Commission chairwoman three times, 1996-2002; Fountain Valley City Council, 2002-06; mayor 2006; Legislative Committee, mayor pro tem 2010; Public Cable Television Authority 2003-present, chairwoman 2009; Orange County Vector Control Board of Directors 2005-present; Orange County Local Area Formation Commission 2005-present; Orange County Council of Governments member 2006-present, chairwoman 2008 and 2009; League of California Cities Policy Committees: Administrative Services/ & Employee Relations 2006-present; League of California Cities, Orange County Division Board of Directors 2006-present, several elected positions leading to 2010-11 president, Legislative action Committee; Orange County Waste & Recycling Commission, 2007-present, chairwoman

Community organizations you belong to: Fountain Valley Woman’s Club, Fountain Valley Historical Society, Friends of the Fountain Valley Library

What do you think are the biggest issues facing Fountain Valley right now? The down economy in general; the impact that the state budget deficit is having on our local funds; and the high cost of pensions and health-care coverage.


What is one decision in the last year that the City Council got right and why would you have supported it?

Negotiated with employees to reduce payroll and reorganize some departments without laying off any employees.

What is one decision in the last year that the City Council got wrong, or partially wrong, and why would you have voted differently?

I would not say that we got anything wrong, but speaking for myself, I had to make cuts and adjustments in fees that I did not like doing. As everyone knows, the economy is down in general and the city is no exception. We are doing all that we can to maintain our high standards of maintenance in our infrastructure and continue excellent service levels to our residents.
