
Writing, drawing contest submissions needed

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Last call for writers and artists interested in entering a children’s contest at the Huntington Beach Central Library.

The Great Book Adventure is a writing and illustration contest for children in preschool through eighth grade.

The contest challenges students to use their imagination in an illustration, story, essay, poem or letter. Children are asked to create what it would be like if they magically fell into a book and had to live in a world created by their imagination.


The winners will be awarded Barnes & Noble gift cards and notified Jan. 17.

Entrants can turn in one writing or illustrative piece or one of each. The writing submissions must be less than 700 words, and all works of art must fit on one letter-sized piece of paper.

Submissions are due at the Huntington Beach Central Library’s Children’s Wing by 4 p.m. Dec. 11. Entry forms can be picked up in the children’s wing.

—Britney Barnes
