
Briefly In Public Safety: Police: Woman loses finger while bodyboarding

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A woman reportedly lost part of her finger while bodyboarding at Oak Street Beach on Monday.

The Aliso Viejo resident had her board’s leash wrapped around her middle finger when a large wave hit her board; the force amputated the tip of the finger, Sgt. Louise Callus said in an email.

While en route to Mission Hospital Laguna Beach, the woman’s husband located the missing part of her finger and took it to the hospital.


Police could not comment on whether the finger tip was reattached.


Residents should register with AlertOC

Laguna Beach police urge residents to register with AlertOC, the mass notification system, as part of National Diaster Preparedness month.

“Emergencies can happen at any time. A wildfire could spread or an unexpected flood closes roads to a neighborhood while residents are away from home,” a press release states. “In these instances, AlertOC is a critical link for residents to immediately learn of any required actions.”

All landlines in Laguna Beach are already registered, but residents must go to to register cell phones, work phones, emails or TDD/TTY devices.

Laguna Beach will be taking part in a regional test at 10 a.m. Sept. 20, which will see how AlertOC reaches residents and businesses.

— Joanna Clay

Twitter: @JoannaClay
