
Can Laguna three-peat as top water-wise city?

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There’s still time for Laguna Beach residents to do their part in hopes of continuing a winning trend.

Laguna is seeking its third straight victory as most water-wise city in the Wyland Foundation’s National Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation.

The Mayor’s Challenge is a friendly nationwide competition in April to see which city can be the most water-wise.


Mayors and civic leaders nationwide challenge their residents to conserve water, energy, and other natural resources on behalf of their city.

Residents show their commitment by completing an online water pledge. Cities — grouped according to population — with the highest percentage of residents taking the pledge win.

As of Monday, Laguna ranked second in cities of 5,000 to 29,000 residents, according to the water pledge website.

Residence can take the free online pledge until April 30 at

Each person in a household with an email address can take the pledge and can be entered into a drawing to win prizes including a Toyota Prius.

—Bryce Alderton

Twitter: @AldertonBryce
