
CITYSCAPE ROUNDUP:Water panel seeks applicants

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The board of directors for the Laguna Beach County Water District is accepting applications from the public to serve on the district commission. There are two seats to be filled.

The five-member County Water District Commission is appointed by the district board of directors. New commissioners will serve a two-year term and will be compensated in the amount of $210 per month.

Commission meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 4:30 p.m. in the district board room at 306 Third St., Laguna Beach.


The Water District Commission acts in an advisory capacity to the board in matters pertaining to administration, delivery of water, and maintenance of the district’s water systems and facilities.

Applicants must live within the boundaries of the Laguna Beach County Water District. Applications are available at district headquarters, 306 Third St., and must be filed with General Manager Renae M. Hinchey by 5 p.m., May 18.

All applicants will be interviewed by the board of directors at their regular meeting in June.

For more information, call (949) 464-1041.

Yard sale benefits South Coast Medical Center

The student volunteers of the South Coast Medical Center Auxiliary are having a yard sale at the hospital from 7:30 a.m. to noon Saturday April 21.

Proceeds will benefit health care services of the not-for-profit hospital. South Coast Medical Center is located at 31872 Coast Highway, Laguna Beach.

For more information, contact the Auxiliary office at (949) 499-7177

Published poets to judge contest submissions

April is National Poetry Month, and the Laguna Beach Library is celebrating by sponsoring its Ninth Annual Poetry Contest, “Poetry In Motion.”

Forms and contest guidelines have been sent home with all public and private school students and are also available at the library.

Poems may also be submitted via e-mail to

The competition runs throughout April. Poems will be judged by a panel of published poets and English teachers.

Environmental Committee has opening

The City Council of the City of Laguna Beach is accepting applications to fill an unexpired term on the City’s Environmental Committee. The term ends November 1, 2008.

The Environmental Committee provides the council with guidance on a range of issues, including water quality/marine safety; noise, air and light pollution; public education/citizen’s oversight and open space. The committee oversees various sub-groups specializing in those areas.

Residents of Laguna Beach who are interested in applying are required to submit an application that is available online at or in the City Clerk’s office at City Hall, 505 Forest Ave.

The application must be filed with the City Clerk by 5 p.m. Tuesday, May 8.

All applicants will be interviewed by the City Council at their regular meeting, 6 p.m. May 15 in the City Council Chambers, 505 Forest Ave., Laguna Beach.

For more information, call (949) 497-0705.

Dawkins Q&A; about evolution to be shown

A film featuring a Q&A; with philosopher Richard Dawkins will be shown at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the third floor community meeting room at Wells Fargo Bank, 260 Ocean Ave., Laguna Beach.

The presentation is a follow-up to the Dawkins DVD shown last month.

In the presentation, Dawkins answers questions regarding evolution, consciousness, and many other topics, including the theory of Intelligent Design.

Admission and parking are free. The program is sponsored by Atheists United of Los Angeles and hosted by Laguna Beach resident Niko Theris.

Tide-pool docent program needs volunteers

An invitation to join the TideWater Docent Program is open to all community members interested in helping to educate visitors in preserving Laguna’s tide pools.

The Laguna Ocean Foundation created the TideWater Docent program in 2003 and has trained more 150 volunteers. The group is actively seeking enthusiastic participants to help educate the public concerning the value of the intertidal ecosystem.

To qualify as a TideWater Docent, volunteers must attend one formal training session. The initial three-hour training session is held at the Ocean Institute in Dana Point and provides background information and logistics concerning the program.

Following the formal training, potential docents will have on-site training at the tide pools conducted by a veteran docent. All classes and training are conducted by a professional marine biologist and by the Marine Protection Officer for the City of Laguna Beach.

For more information or to register for the next class to be held on Wednesday at the Ocean Institute, call Candice Burroughs at (949) 499-0525 or e-mail

Womenade sponsors potluck dinner

Laguna Beach Womenade, a group that raises funds for individuals in need, is holding a potluck dinner from 7-9 p.m. Thursday at a private home to raise funds for a woman who has lost her ability to speak due to AIDS.

The beneficiary is a 37-year-old woman who has survived several serious health crises since becoming HIV-positive 17 years ago.

Recently, she lost her ability to speak when a rare fungus entered her sinuses and damaged nerves in her head.

The group wants to purchase her a keyboard device that would allow her to speak. Attendees are asked to bring a dish for four to share and a check for what they would normally pay for a dinner “out,” or a greater amount.

For more information, call Jane at (949) 464-0022 or Stephanie at (949) 497-9214.

Garden walking tour planned in May

The Laguna Beach Garden Club will present a Gate and Garden Walking Tour of South Village from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Thursday, May 3.

This year’s annual garden tour features one dozen private gardens along a route that winds through a charming neighborhood typical of the Laguna Beach village.

In addition to gaining access to the selected gardens, ticket holders receive a brochure that directs attention to the historic points of interest along the clearly marked route, which covers slightly more than half a mile of mostly level and downhill streets.

Refreshments will be provided.

The Gate and Garden Walking Tour is the major fundraiser for the club.

Tickets are $25 and can be purchased in person at Laguna Drug, 239 Broadway, Laguna Beach. Tickets are also available online at www.lagunabeach or by mailing a check to Laguna Beach Garden Club/Tour, P.O. Box 362, Laguna Beach, CA 92652.
