
Local athletes shine at triathlon

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Laguna Beach athletes turned in strong performances Sunday at the 10th annual Avia Pacific Coast Triathlon, led by Helen Briglio’s first-place finish in the women’s 55-59 age group division.

The event was at Crystal Cove State Park and consisted of a half-mile swim, 12-mile bike ride and -mile run.

In all, 15 locals finished among the top 10 in their respective divisions.

Donna Phelan, 35, of Encinitas, was the overall top female finisher and won the women’s title with a time of 1:10.17.


Heath Thurston, 29, of Orem, Utah, was the men’s overall winner at 1:02.18.

Below is a listing of finishes for Laguna Beach athletes by placement, name, age and time, in each division:

Women Age Group Divisions

Overall winner: Donna Phelan, 35, Encinitas (1:10.17).

20-24 Division: 8. Ina Kain, 23, (1:35.40).

25-29 Division: 5. Beth Weber, 28, (1:24.35); 37. Lauren Robinson, 26, (1:58.14).

30-34 Division: 7. Kate Balmer, 33, (1:22.55); 34. Kelly Anthony, 34, (1:50.43).

35-39 Division: 27. K. Flippin, 38, (1:39.38).

40-44 Division: 6. Belinda Eschenwald, 41, (1:22.12).

45-49 Division: 31. Doris McQuaid, 45, (2:09.48).

50-54 Division: 1. Helen Briglio, 54, (1:27.34); 9. Vicki Robertson, 51, (1:36.00).

55-59 Division: 5. Mary Ricks, 56, (1:41.10).

Relay Mixed Division: 2. Quality Transportation Jacobs (1:10.15); 15. Old Studs Ricks (1:30.45).


Male Age Group Divisions

Overall winner: Heath Thurston, 29, Orem, Utah (1:02.18)

13-15 Division: 6. Kevin McQuaid, 14 (1:32.18).

25-29 Division: 16. Dana Weber, 28 (1:18.25).

30-34 Division: 46. David Disman, 31 (1:27.37); 87. Joshua Waldman, 31 (1:45.00).

35-39 Division: 26. Gregory Simon, 35, (1:17.35); 28. Eric Hanke, 38,(1:18.22); 58. Brian Wineke, 35, (1:28.11).

40-44 Division: 4. Nathanael Springer, 43, (1:09.11); 6. Thomas Knapp, 43, (1:12.44); 7. Sam Sunshine, 43, (1:13.25); 11. Miguel Ramos, 44, (1:14.01); 24. Peter Cochran, 40, (1:19.11); 34. Jack Eddy, 44, (1:22.48); 43. John Mansour, 42, (1:26.17); 45. Ryan Colloty, 44, (1:26.33); 81. Robert Pettis, 42, (1:49.37).

45-49 Division: 4. David Jochim, 48, (1:10.19); 30. Giampiero Capelli, 45, (1:21.04); 46. Lincoln M. Snyder, 48, (1:27.46); 64. Scott Capobianco, 45, (1:34.22); 69. Charles Bradley, 48, (1:38.10); 70. Brian McQuaid, 48, (1:38.15).

50-54 Division: 15. George Sines, 50, (1:20.38); 18. Michael Sweeney, 54, (1:22.28); 23. Gary Pickett, 52, (1:25.20); 58. Bill Robertson, 52, (1:47.05).

55-59 Division: 12. Greg Brown, 56, (1:38.37); 15. Jim Lyons, 56, (1:46.25); 20. Chris Brown, 57, (2:08.37).

60-64 Division: 2. Mark Disman, 60, (1:23.09); 10. Joel Harrison, 60, (1:1:41.23).

Male Clydes Division: 21. Steve Wright (1:33.59); 42. G. Washer (1:45.12).

Relay Mixed Division: 2. Quality Transportation Jacobs (1:10.15); 15. Old Studs Ricks (1:30.45).
