
Curry, Selich, Petros pull election papers

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Newport Beach Mayor Pro Tem Keith Curry, Councilman Ed Selich and businessman Tony Petros each took out election papers Monday to run for City Council, officials said.

Curry pulled papers to run for reelection in District 7, which includes Newport Coast and Newport Ridge.

Curry said he started securing endorsements and fundraising for his reelection campaign in March.


“I think we have a great city, and we have a lot going on,” he said. “I would like to finish projects that are already underway, like Marina Park, Sunset Ridge Park and our neighborhood revitalization efforts.”

Curry has served in District 7 for six years, including a year as mayor in 2010. He also chairs the Orange County Parks Commission and is a visiting professor and director for the Center of Public Policy at Concordia University in Irvine.

Like Curry, Selich — who has served in District 5, which includes Balboa Island, for more than seven years — said he would like another term to see through what he started.

“I have some projects I’m working on that I would like to see completed both in my district and the city at large,” Selich said.

Selich has served two terms as mayor of Newport Beach and three terms as chairman of the Newport Beach Planning Commission.

Selich has a professional background in land-use planning, according to his city biography.

Petros, a partner at the Irvine-based transportation and planning firm LSA Associates and a longtime civic actor, plans to run for the seat in West Newport’s District 2.

“I’ve always wanted to be part of the city of Newport Beach,” Petros said. “I think I can deliver a lot of good things to the city mostly because I am going to listen to the things people here have to say.”

Petros, who announced his plans to run for District 2 City Council last November, said if elected, he would prioritize conservative fiscal planning and capital reinvestment in Newport’s Westside.

Monday was the first day candidates could pull papers to run for the three open positions on the City Council in Districts 2, 5 and 7. Though council members represent districts, residents citywide can vote for candidates in each zone.

Candidates have until 5 p.m. Aug. 10 to pull and return candidate papers, said City Clerk Leilani Brown.

Los Angeles Times and Daily Pilot archives were used to compile this story.

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