
William John Strateman

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William John Strateman
William John Strateman of Newport Beach, California passed away November 4, 2013 at the age of 66. He is survived by his loving wife, Toni, and his two sons Wyatt and Tyler. Born and raised in Lincoln, Nebraska, Bill graduated from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with a Journalism degree and quickly landed on Madison Avenue in the ‘70s as an account manager for Burson-Marsteller, which later joined Young & Rubicam. Bill was a real-life Mad Man, but unlike the TV characters, he was a colleague characterized by integrity, class and an easygoing Midwestern charm. Later in his career, Bill worked as a consultant for Merrill Lynch, and for InterCommunications®, the successful Newport Beach marketing firm founded by his wife. Bill enjoyed playing golf and tennis with his family, and taking frequent family vacations to Hawaii and Lake Tahoe. Bill rarely missed a televised sporting event (especially if his Nebraska Cornhuskers were playing). Those who knew Bill remember him as an intelligent, worldly and considerate man who was always quick with a smile and a few insightful words of wisdom on just about any topic.
Online condolences may be offered at In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in Bill’s honor to the UCI Foundation ALS Neuromuscular Program, 101 Academy Way, Suite 120, Irvine, CA, 92617.
