
Newport council to review policy on naming Newport Beach benches and other memorial fixtures

Two benches with names inscribed on tribute plaques sit on a bluff facing Little Corona del Mar Beach.
(Hillary Davis)
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The Newport Beach City Council is set to reconsider revisions to its policy on city-maintained memorial benches, trees and other park, beach and street fixtures.

The proposed tightening, up for council approval Tuesday, comes about after the city realized that donated amenities required a significant and unanticipated amount of time and money to install and maintain.

The council suspended the donation program last year so the Parks, Beaches & Recreation Commission could work with staff to update regulations.


The council sent a draft of new regulations back to the commission for further refinements in May, suggesting that plaques be eliminated on all donations.

Donors typically underwrite trees or benches with dedication plaques in honor of friends and family members at parks, beaches, trails and streets. Other amenities can include drinking fountains, picnic tables and barbecue grills.

City staff, as well as members of the council, have said some areas were becoming overcrowded with placements, public rights of way were becoming heavily memorialized and the cash that donors paid — which included a 10% maintenance fee — was not covering costs.

In addition to discontinuing plaques, proposed rules would increase the maintenance fee to half the estimated cost of upkeep over 10 years and give the city the option to remove or replace items after a decade, especially if they’ve become worn.

Tuesday’s council meeting starts at 4 p.m. with a study session, followed by the regular session at 7 p.m. at City Hall, 100 Civic Center Drive.

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