
Beyond cut and paste

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Suzie Harrison

In the second week of Christy Montes’ kindergarten class they are

focusing on colors, sequences and patterns. Red is the color this

week and the shape they’re learning is the circle. Every Wednesday

they wear the color that they are studying that week.

The El Morro Elementary School teacher would ask questions such

as, “What’s similar in this row, what’s the same color and shape?”

The class was working on sorting and classifying.

“In the science unit, we did a tasting of red, yellow and green

apples,” Montes said.

The students voted for their favorite by putting their vote on a

graph coinciding with each apple.

“At the same time, they are learning how to read a graph,” Montes

said. “They cut out the color apple they like and put it in their

column. That’s a lot of fun for them.”

The students enjoyed their silent reading time choosing a plethora

of books to engage in, sitting on the floor which consisted of rows

of colors -- red, green, orange, blue and purple.

In their project “All About Me,” it was Donovan’s turn to show the

class his collage of pictures to the class and explain what they

meant to him.

“Look at all my cousins. I have 10,” Donovan said, holding up both

hands. “This is of me and my nana,” Donovan said as he danced in


He also had logos of his favorite food on the poster -- ice cream

sandwiches and macaroni and cheese.

Donovan expressed how excited he is about going to Sea World with

his family.

“These are my dead fish,” Donovan said, pointing to a picture.

“That guy jumped out of the fishing bowl.”

After the class watched “Marvelous Me” they adjourned, full of

energy, to their first physical education class.

* SUZIE HARRISON is a reporter for the Laguna Beach Coastline

Pilot. She may be reached at 494-4321.
