
Colette’s Children’s Home puts on food distribution event

Volunteers load boxes of food into the back of a pickup truck during a drive-through food distribution at Colette's Children's Home on Saturday morning. The Huntington Beach-based nonprofit provides housing and supportive services to homeless women and children throughout Orange County.
Volunteers load boxes of food into the back of a pickup truck during a drive-through food distribution at Colette’s Children’s Home on Saturday morning. The Huntington Beach-based nonprofit provides housing and supportive services to homeless women and children throughout Orange County.
(Kevin Chang / Staff Photographer)
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Colette’s Children’s Home had a drive-through food distribution event scheduled for a three-hour period beginning at 8 a.m. on Saturday at its Huntington Beach office.

Word got out about the nonprofit organization’s plan, and by 7 a.m., the cars lined up were too numerous to hold off the start of the distribution.

Two hours after the event had begun, a steady stream of cars kept filing through lines set up on either side of the office. Those in need received boxed food, chicken, produce, diapers and even some gift cards.


“We’re getting more need,” said Billy O’Connell, the executive director of Colette’s Children’s Home. “We know that people are getting hungrier. There’s a big need out there. There’s a huge need, and people were calling.

“When you hear stories of people standing in line for three or 3½ hours for a bag of beans and a bag of rice, … we saw a need, and we answered the need.”

Spanish and English signs posted along Gothard Street notify drivers of Colette's Children's Home drive-through food distribution on Saturday morning in Huntington Beach.
Spanish and English signs posted along Gothard Street notify drivers of Colette’s Children’s Home drive-through food distribution on Saturday morning in Huntington Beach.
(Kevin Chang / Staff Photographer)

Colette’s Children’s Home is an organization dedicated to helping homeless women and children. The nonprofit has been helping to provide transitional housing in Orange County since 1998.

O’Connell added that Saturday’s food distribution was also assisted by Teamsters and the Orange County Food Bank.

Colette’s Children’s Home also has locations in Anaheim, Fountain Valley, Garden Grove and Placentia.

When someone comes to the organization for help, O’Connell has one primary request — he wants those in need to experience change for the better.

“When you come in, you got to be willing to change your life,” O’Connell said, adding that it is necessary to address underlying behaviors to avoid falling back into bad habits. “If you don’t want to change your life, we’re not the place for you.

“We’re not a very rigorous organization, very simple, common sense. Take care of your kids. Don’t use alcohol. Don’t use drugs. Don’t have any visitors on the place. Get a job.”

Volunteers take note of names, phone numbers and family size as others load food at Colette's Children's Home on Saturday morning in Huntington Beach.
Volunteers take note of names, phone numbers and family size as others load food at Colette’s Children’s Home on Saturday morning in Huntington Beach.
(Kevin Chang / Staff Photographer)

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