
Laguna Life

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James Pribram

All right, so it’s summer time in Laguna. The sun’s been out all day.

Now the question is “Where do I go?”

Well I’ve got it all for you. I have some helpful hints on how to

enjoy yourself Laguna style -- from restaurants to the best hotels to

places you’ll want to see. Perhaps you might even want a drink at the

best dive bar.

It’s a beautiful morning and I’m hungry. Where do I go? For the best

Mexican breakfast in town I highly recommend the Coyote Grill. Maybe it’s

some poached eggs and coffee you’d like to begin with, I give you

Heidelberg. For the best Danish in town, as well as a nice little get

away spot, we have Andre’s for you.

Now it’s Lunch time. I don’t know about you, but lunch normally cuts

into my beach time, so I’m not too big of a lunchtime fan. Just the same

I’ll help you. May I suggest A La Carte for a little gourmet sandwich,

maybe Wahoo’s for a fish taco or maybe La Sirena for some healthy Mexican

food or just maybe Gina’s for a slice of pizza.

Enough of lunch. Let’s get down to business, dinnertime.

It’s summertime right? So let’s start with some sushi and sake, San

Shi Go baby. If it’s prawns you love and a little fine dining, better try

Dizz’s. More Mexican food you ask? How about Javier’s. Italian is your

favorite? I would go with Rumari’s. Chinese? My favorite restaurant of

all, China Bistro. We can’t forget Thai food now can we. May I suggest

the Royal Thai or Laguna Thai?

Now that we got the food out of the way let’s talk some drinks. Adult

drinks please. We’ll start at the Royal Hawaiian and my friend Eddie,

followed by Cabanas and my buddy Jesse and we’ll just end our night at

the world famous Sand Piper.

Need a place to crash? Well then let’s stay at the best hotel in town,

the Surf and Sand. It’s a cloudy day? Get on the trolley (it’s free) and

take it to the Sawdust Festival for a nice day of arts, crafts and after

maybe check out a few galleries Downtown beginning with Wyland.

Looking for a nice beach? Sorry this is where it has to end. Besides

it’s hard enough finding a parking spot in this town without having to

see you at my favorite beach.


* JAMES PRIBRAM is a Laguna Beach resident, professional surfer and

co-founder of “They Will Surf Again,” a nonprofit foundation assisting

people with spinal cord injuries. He was also a member of the Water

Quality Advisory Committee.
