
Celebrity twinkles at ‘Star’ signing

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Jeff Benson

Pamela Anderson took center stage at Book Soup South Coast Plaza

Sunday, signing books, inscribing on posters, writing on people’s

chests and even inking her own chest on attendees’ back issues of

Playboy magazine.

Growing tired of scribbling her name robotically as she did at

least 300 times Sunday, she turned her permanent marker on her friend

and associate, Eric Shaw Quinn.

“Eric needs some eyeliner,” she said, beaming with a girlish


Moments later, Quinn emerged with bold black marks under both

eyes. “How do I look?” he asked the crowd.

The dolled-up, blond bombshell left her mark on hundreds of others

Sunday as she signed her new book, “Star,” which Quinn co-wrote. The

book is about a fictitious character named Star whose life loosely

parallels that of Anderson’s in terms of her celebrity, her implants

and people’s perceptions of both.

Alana Garber, 49, of Pomona, said she’s enjoyed reading several

chapters of the book because she’s been a fan of Anderson’s for more

than a decade.

“So far it’s very good,” Garber said. “She’s got a kind heart, and

that shines through. You can see some similarities into the

lifestyle. It sounds like she had a lot of fun writing it.”

Garber showed up in nearly the same outfit as Anderson -- a tight,

white tank-top, blue jeans and high-heel sandals. For Anderson, it’s

become a trademark outfit that’s inspired many women to do the same.

The former “Baywatch” star appeared quite at home addressing the


“We’re going to do a live show today, and Eric’s got a few jokes,”

she told them. “We’ve got live shrimp, so tip your waitress. We’ll be

here all week.”

It may have taken awhile, but the jokes did eventually come.

“It’s meant to be fun, not rocket science,” she told one woman

asking about her life as a celebrity. Quinn turned and smiled,

saying, “If it’s not meant to be rocket science, we’re out of here.”

Some of the pair’s joking around garnered considerably more


“Do as I do, not as I say,” Anderson said to two small,

blond-haired children who looked thrilled to see her. “On second

thought, no. Don’t do either.”

Book Soup Events Director Christine Louise Berry said Anderson was

a lot of fun to work with.

“She’s unbelievably warm with people, and she’s passionate with

her causes,” Berry said. “She’s beautiful, intelligent and not afraid

to express her opinion.”

Anderson was only expected to sign the book and to pose for candid

photos, but the celebrity was warm and accommodating. She posed for

all photo requests, smiled the entire time and thanked everyone. She

complimented one young woman on her “No Doubt” handbag and another on

her “Vegetarians Taste Better” shirt.

Most people left with gaping grins. Some teenage boys had

tomato-red faces, some girls jumped up and down, and some -- like

“Mark,” were undoubtedly pleased despite not showing up.

“Hey Mark,” Anderson said through his girlfriend’s cellphone.

“Sorry you couldn’t be here. But I saved a book for you.”

* JEFF BENSON is the news assistant and may be reached at (949)

574-4298 or by e-mail at
