
Guy Carrozzo

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Name: Guy Carrozzo

Age: no answer

Birthplace: no answer

How long have you lived in Fountain Valley? 46 years

Occupation: retired school principal

Education: bachelor’s degree from Cal State Long Beach, master’s degree from Cal State Fullerton

Previously elected or appointed positions: Council Legislative Committee; Alcohol and Drug Awareness Committee; Fountain Valley Educational Allocation Committee; Inter-Jurisdictional Planning Forum (GMA No. 6); Orange County Hazardous Material Emergency Response Authority; League of Cities, city legislative delegate; California Joint Powers Insurance Authority board member; Orange County Public Library Advisory Board; American Cancer Society Board of Directors; Fountain valley Redevelopment Agency member; Public Cable Television Authority Board of Directors; Community Organizations/Committee Involvement; Community Crime Fighter Advisory Board member; Westminster Educational Leadership Assn., Fountain Valley Housing and Community Development Advisory Board; Advisory Committee for the Disabled; Knights of Columbus State Civic Involvement chairman; Orange County Sanitation District Board of Directors; Santa Ana River Flood Protection Agency
Community organizations you belong to: life member of Veterans of Foreign Wars, VFW Post 9557; Knights of Columbus, Council 9667 (4th degree); Fountain Valley Seniors; Friends of the Fountain Valley Library; Fountain Valley Historical Society;

What do you think are the biggest issues facing Fountain Valley now? preventing the state from taking our city money to balance their bloated budget; encouraging businesses to move to Fountain Valley and keeping the businesses that are already here, thus bringing in revenue to our city so we can keep our community vibrant and beautiful.

What is one decision in the last year that the City Council got right and why would you have supported it?


The council hired a consultant to study our industrial area to possibly come up with some creative ideas to upgrade the area to stimulate our local economy. This could possibly result in changing the zoning to help the above.

What is the one decision in the last year that the City Council got wrong, or partially wrong, and why would you have voted differently?

In the past year I can’t think of any controversial or earth-shaking decisions that are worth of an answer to this question.
