
New walking tour of Paris focuses on the history of fashion

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What could be more fashionable while visiting Paris than taking a fashion tour of the city? Context Travel brings together the evolution of design from the 18th century to the present in a new three-hour guided walk.

“Conceiving Couture: Fashion History of Paris” starts at the Palais Royal, the one-time residence of Cardinal Richelieu across from the Louvre. This is where shops with glass fronts sprang up under the building’s passages in the 1700s, becoming the place to be seen.

The tour moves on to the city’s grand magasins or department stores such as Galeries Lafayette and Printemps, all part of the city’s urban plan that has shaped Paris’ look since the 19th century.


The former luxury design studios of Charles Frederick Worth and Jacques Doucet, as well as one belonging to Coco Chanel, also are part of the itinerary.

The tour ends on the Champs-Elysees, one of Paris’ most famous shopping streets.

It costs 80 euros ($87) per person for a group tour. Group size is limited to six, making the experience an intimate one.

Info: Context Travel, (800) 691-6036

