
Tech Takeaway: Surface price slashed, iPhone user electrocuted [Video]

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Monday tech news kicked off with a significant price cut to the Microsoft Surface RT tablet and a report that a woman in China was electrocuted while using her iPhone.

Microsoft cuts price of Surface RT by $150

Microsoft reduced the price of its Surface RT tablets this weekend by $150. It’s cheapest model now starts at $349, but there are plenty of other great tablets that start around that price.


Chinese woman electrocuted using iPhone

A 23-year-old woman in China was reportedly killed when she answered a call on her iPhone 5 while it was plugged into the wall for recharging. Apple has said it is saddened to hear about the incident and will work with authorities to investigate what happened.

Upcoming Motorola Moto X to be voice activated


Users may be able to command the Moto X smartphone without ever touching it, thanks to voice activation. A video that allegedly leaked from a Canadian carrier shows the Moto X responding to users’ voice commands without any buttons ever being pressed. The video also says the phone will launch in August, at least in Canada.

Musk to reveal plans for Hyperloop Aug. 12

Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX and CEO of Tesla, is once again drumming up hype for his mysterious mode of transportation he’s calling the Hyperloop. On Monday, Musk sent a tweet to his followers saying that he will release alpha plans for his transportation idea by Aug. 12. Details are scarce at this point, but in the past Musk has described the Hyperloop as a super-fast way to get from one place to another, and says it would be possible to travel from L.A. to San Francisco in half an hour.


Uber announces new fare-splitting feature for iOS and Android apps

Ride-sharing app Uber announced a new feature that allows riders to split fares evenly, directly from their phones. In a blog post, Uber said “math is hard, Uber isn’t” and said the feature should help you deal with those friends who always seem to conveniently forget to pay you back.


Lulu, the women-only dating app for rating men

Facebook-inspired paintings question the effects of social media

Apple looking into reported electrocution of iPhone 5 user in China

