
Getty to cut 34 jobs, mostly in education programs

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The Getty Museum announced Monday that it would cut 34 jobs, at least 10 of them through layoffs, with the goal of “realizing savings through more effective and efficient operations,” a staff memo from Director James Cuno said.

The bulk of the cuts will be in the museum’s education program. Cuno said the museum would turn the paid positions of “gallery teacher” into duties for docents, who are volunteers. Administrative and “project focused” staff positions in the education department also will be cut.

Other jobs in the exhibitions department and imaging services also will be eliminated.

Those leaving will receive regular pay and benefits for 60 days, and will be eligible to receive two weeks of pay for every year of service over four years. Other health benefits and job placement services also will be offered. Some layoffs are effective Wednesday. In other cases, the museum will ask for volunteers. If there aren’t enough volunteers by May 7, the remaining job cuts will be achieved through layoffs.


Cuno said the cuts in the education department will not affect the number of school visits or reduce existing programs for students, families and adults.

There will be no cuts, Cuno said, in what he called the museum’s core mission: building the Getty’s collection, curatorial work in research, exhibitions and scholarly publications and strengthening its conservation program. The museum’s education programs remain part of the core mission, he said.

For more on this story, check back later with Culture Monster.
