
Opinion: Shocker: An influx of immigrant construction workers pushed down wages

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To the editor: It is astounding that your left-leaning newspaper featured a front-page piece on how the immigrant labor force is undermining L.A. construction workers’ pay. It’s also surprising to see how honest the article was about construction companies (understandably) taking advantage of the situation, at the expense of those same immigrant workers’ future health and security. (“Immigrants flooded California construction. Worker pay sank. Here’s why,” April 22)

It is ironic that piece appeared near an article trumpeting the hurdles being encountered by President Trump’s deportation plans.

Jeff Denker , Malibu



To the editor: In 1973, I joined Ironworkers Local 229 in San Diego and was employed on infrastructure and major commercial projects, which were built exclusively by union workers.

As for home building, the transition to non-union already was well under way. Immigration had little or nothing to do with this; rather, contractors did not want to pay union wages and benefits, and they hoped to avoid jurisdictional disputes among the trade unions.

The white working class used to be largely unionized and a reliable Democratic voting bloc. They voted for their economic self-interest. They enjoyed prosperity because they exercised their right to bargain collectively.


Today’s white working class has been seduced by Republicans. The only way to make America great again is for workers to join unions and demand a living wage.

Frank King, Coronado


To the editor: It was reported that one L.A. construction and union worker earns $40 an hour on top of pension, healthcare insurance and unlimited vacation days.


How can anyone in any job receive unlimited vacation pay? If so, I want that job and will start my vacation tomorrow.

Denis Robinson, Winnetka

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