
Fox News is part of the mainstream media, so why isn’t it to blame for Trump?

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To the editor: Curiously, in his castigation of the “mainstream media” for failing to stop Donald Trump, Fox News, where Jonah Goldberg is a contributor, is never mentioned. (“The media has cried wolf about GOP candidates for ages. Now no one will listen to warnings on Trump,” July 26)

This despite the fact that Fox News host Bill O’Reilly and the others often brag about how their audience dwarfs those of CNN and MSNBC. Doesn’t that, by definition, place them squarely in front of the mainstream media pack? (Not to mention the fact that radio is dominated by right-wing hosts.) Why is Fox News somehow exempt from this equation?

That’s because when things don’t go their way, the right wing’s knee-jerk reaction is to blame the mainstream media; including Fox News would undercut that argument.


Bo Leibowitz, Sherman Oaks

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