
For the Record - Dec. 12, 2017

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Housing: In the Dec. 11 California section, an article about the Weingart Center’s plans to build a high-rise for homeless people on skid row identified Mike Alvidrez as head of SRO Housing Corp. Alvidrez is chief executive of Skid Row Housing Trust. The article also said SRO Housing has more than 30 permanent supportive housing buildings in downtown L.A. SRO has 27 such buildings; Skid Row Housing has 24.

Ford Mustang: In the Dec. 9 Business section, an info box with a review of the 2018 Ford Mustang Ecoboost and GT Coupe Premiums said the cars are four-door, four-passenger coupes. They are two-door vehicles.

Ballot descriptions: In the Dec. 10 California section, the Political Road Map column identified Assemblyman Juan Arambula as the lawmaker who listed his ballot description as “Emergency Room Doctor.” The lawmaker was Assemblyman Joaquin Arambula (D-Fresno).


‘Brexit’: In the Dec. 9 Section A, an article about Britain’s “Brexit” talks with the European Union gave an incorrect figure for the cost of leaving the EU. It is $53 billion, not $53 million.

House resolution: In the Dec. 10 California section, a California in Congress news item about a House resolution to impeach President Trump said that 12 of the state’s 53 Democrats had voted yes. California has a total of 53 House members; 39 of them are Democrats.

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