
Michele Bachmann seeks apology from NBC over song flap

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Washington Bureau

Michele Bachmann wants an apology from NBC, accusing the network of showing “bias” and “sexism” after she was introduced to an offensive song title on “Late Night With Jimmy Fallon” this week.

Bachmann was on the show Monday night, promoting her new book and, of course, her candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination. She helped Fallon work on his Minnesota accent and took part in a skit in which she did some word association on her GOP foes (Romney = hair).

All this took place after the Roots, the show’s in-house band, played a section of the song “Lyin’ Ass Bitch” while Bachmann took her seat.


Roots drummer Questlove posted a message on his Twitter page before the show aired, gloating about the moment.

“Aight late night walkon song devotees: you love it when we snark: this next one takes the cake,” he wrote.

Fallon later posted on his own feed that Questlove “was grounded.” He issued a more formal apology later.


“I’m honored that @michelebachmann was on our show yesterday and I’m so sorry about the intro mess. I really hope she comes back,” he said.

Bachmann, in an appearance on Fox News Channel on Wednesday, said she accepted Fallon’s apology and hoped to speak with him during the day.

“I don’t have anything against Jimmy Fallon. I love him, he’s a kick,” she said.

But she said NBC owed her an apology, saying such an incident would not have been tolerated if Michelle Obama was introduced in such a way.


“This is clearly a form of bias on the part of the Hollywood entertainment elite,” she said. “This wouldn’t be tolerated if this was Michelle Obama. It shouldn’t be tolerated if it’s a conservative woman either.”

“This really needs to come from NBC. This is an outrage,” she said.

Complicating things for NBC: Questlove’s Twitter icon is a photo of him with President Obama. The band played at an Obama campaign event in Philadelphia in October 2010.

An NBC spokesman did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Here’s Bachmann’s interview with Fox:

And here’s some of Fallon’s interview with Bachmann on Monday.
